Thursday, July 07, 2005

Me, my good friend Monjay, and his lovely wife, Sahri at their Chicago home

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is Monjay your friend?

This is going to be weird, I know. But please lemme explain...

I've been on the web since 1996 and around that time I was heavily flirting with the idea of getting the domain name. But when I searched, I couldn't believe that someone named Monjay had already purchased the domain!

At the time I was kinda disappointed 'cause I thought my name was sooo unique. But then I got curioius because I realized that the owner of the domain, was a young male. And digging further comments indicated that he was Philipino. Recalling now, I think he like drawing and anime stuff.

Because I've always thought about for myself, I would periodically check for the availability of the domain and at some point after 2002 (I guess) I realized that it had became available. Of course, by then, as was the case back in the 1996 I had no clue what content I would host and so shelved the idea of purchasing it. But I always wondered what happened to the Monjay that owned

Might that Monjay be the Monjay in the picture?

As for me... I'm a woman and my name is Monjay. I was born in Queens, but am now living in New Jersey. My dad is Liberian and gave me the name which according to him means "because of you". So how is it that we share the same name? What does your name mean?

Bet you're curious as to how I found this blog? Well, I was trying out Google's Blog Search and searched for my name to see if I would come up... but your blog surfaced!!! Have I been usurped again?!

I'm sorry if I am wasting your time with this comment, in the event that he is not the one. But it's nice occasioning a pic of another Monjay out there for a change that isn't this one:

Thanks. Take care.

- Monjay (monjay * settro at gmail * com)

9:04 PM  

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